Friday, September 14, 2012

both the physical and psychological components must be satisfied. Physical fitness

What makes a man (or woman, for that matter) strong? What enables an individual to walk for long distances or lift heavy objects seemingly with little effort? What makes it possible for some people to survive seemingly insurmountable odds?

The answer lies in physical fitness, health and wellness. The physically fit individual is one who incorporates balance into his or her life through the ideal mix of proper nutrition, regular exercise and adequate amounts of rest. The person who is healthy and well is marked by the ability to adapt to stressful situations and nurture lasting relationships. He or she is able to cope, adapt, maintain a sense of humor, care for himself or herself and is able to function in ways that society considers acceptable and productive.

Health and nutrition experts agree that a well-balanced diet is one that is composed of natural unprocessed foods. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, lean meat and seafood in proper amounts comprise the healthy diet. Health eating is also more than choosing the right kinds of foods. It also means eating food well. Eating more frequent meals has largely been advocated as being healthier for keeping in shape than the traditional three large meals in a day. The quality of a repast has also been shown to play a huge role in optimum absorption of nutrients. One must concentrate on the meal, chew food well and partake of it in a relaxing atmosphere to obtain maximum nutritional and psychological benefits.

Where exercise is concerned, there are a variety of regimens to choose from that promote physical fitness, health and wellness. Weight training, Yoga and Pilates are among the most common workouts today. For those who can't afford a gym membership, bodyweight exercises and fitness videos that can be done at home are also effective alternatives. The whole point is to keep moving for cardiovascular and muscular health.

Where mental and emotional health is concerned, adequate rest and stress management play an important role. Sleep allows for restoration of tissues worn out through the activities of life while the ability to handle the daily stresses of life, to remove oneself from a highly-charged situation when necessary, is a crucial component to a well-balanced life. Finding ways to unwind and relax through recreational activities allows one to refocus and get revitalized and energized. Successful stress management prevents emotional breakdowns that paralyzes and debilitates an otherwise fit individual.

For an individual to be called truly healthy, both the physical and psychological components must be satisfied. Physical fitness, health and wellness is more than just spending hours upon hours in the gym. It's more than following Atkins to the letter. It's more than getting sufficient amounts of rest and sleep. It's more than losing weight. It's even more than laughing at problems without looking for plausible solutions.

Genuine physical fitness, health and wellness is a way of life where strength, endurance and flexibility are more than physical attributes but are emotional, mental and social characteristics as well.

Last but not least, read this TRX Suspension Trainer review and this post about a TRX coupon code.

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